Saturday, January 01, 2011

Rescued for the nth time

Somehow I consider 2011--and any New Year--as a personal redemption.

Before this year ended, I would always shout under my breath that I'm nearly over those intolerable school projects and the 1:30-bedtime routines and the intoxicating dull classroom days.

And finally, I'm only a jeepney away from escaping high school! How I've always wished a time machine to be invented so I could quickly get past those four dreadful years. I'm only three months away from mentally getting over peer pressure, adrenaline-stimulated depression and zombie-driven hours of homework and lessons.

But then I'd also be pleased enough to realize that such cherished moments, out-of-classroom trips, minutes with older and smarter people, and those horrible embarrassments would all remain as MEMORIES, NEVER TO HAPPEN AGAIN.

I believe this truly defines what every event, incident, accident and phenomenon is all about: they will never happen more than once. That's the best part and the one thing I would somehow always thank for.
To my mentor Ms. Josephine Bonsol, who've shared more knowledge to me than what a teacher can ever teach to a student. Thank you for being my nanay.

Thank you to Gemma for always being there and for understanding my eccentric behavior. And also to Cedric for frequently updating me and always sitting beside me to share a talk.

I'm finally saved from the year that was, and for the nth time. All I can pray for is that things this year will turn out for the better, and will either start or end for the best. God bless 2011.

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