Sunday, October 02, 2011

Be proud of your school with Jollibee's University Floats!

I remember my professor saying we UP freshies are still floating in seventh heaven and would brag in any way possible that we're part of the most presitgious Univerisity in the Philippines. Who would not be proud of their own university? And with Jollibee's University Floats, we can be prouder in raising our schools' signature colors--be it red, blue, yellow or green!

Hungry and thirsty and awfully stressed from a hell week full of exams, my twin sister and I decided to treat ourselves and tried Jollibee's newest products. We ordered the Red Watermelon Univerisity Float (P28/regular, P38/giant), and it was truly refreshing, even though I thought it tasted like its previously released Watermelon Float.

Not your color? Try the University Float in Yellow Dalandan, Blue Bubblegum or Green Apple to equally quench your thirst amidst a crazy weather these days.

We also ordered the Hashbrown Burger (P64/a la carte, P80/ w reg drink). My twin sister was surprised at how firm the two blocks of hashbrown were that served as the sandwich with the traditional yummy burger patty and a generous slice of cheese. It definitely satisfied our craving for hashbrown and burger at the same time. It was like two treats in one, plus the healthy fact that the hashbrown was baked, not fried.

Satisfy your own cravings for heavenly floats and scrumptious hashbrowns at Jollibee! For delivery, you can call Jollibee Express Delivery Service hotline at 8-7000 or log on to

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